Google AdWords is working hard on its platform from the last couple of years now. While it has already launched the beta version of Google AdWords which has an attractive user interface and better data analytics, it is also making some changes in the process itself. Google AdWords has 6 types of campaigns and the latest addition was ‘Universal App Campaign’. This campaign is used to increase the download of your mobile app on Apple store and Google Play store. Though this was a very specific objective for the advertisers, many advertisers were confused then why the Google AdWords Mobile App Download objective is available in other campaigns like ‘Search Network only’ and ‘Display Network only’? The answer to the query is given now and Google has removed ‘Mobile app installs’ objective from all other campaign types.
The above image shows that the 6th option in Search Network only campaign – which is ‘Mobile app installs’ is now no more available and that is merged with the “Universal App Campaign”.
Similarly, the option is now not available in “Display Network only” campaign type under ‘Marketing objectives’ option. If you are looking to use YouTube videos to promote your mobile app to increase the downloads then you need not choose “Video” campaign as well because this option is now not available there too.
You have single campaign option if you want to promote your mobile app to increase the app downloads. Universal App campaigns allow you to promote your app across Google Search, Google Play, YouTube, Gmail, and within other apps and mobile websites on the Display Network.
This move was much needed because many amateur advertisers were getting confused because of same objective available in different campaign types. Google AdWords is one of the most important platforms in Digital Marketing Strategy. If you are not including this platform in your strategy then the chance of missing on reaching many prospective buyers you will miss. You must dedicate heavy budget to Social Media Marketing but you can not ignore Google AdWords which has great potential to increase the sales.
Start considering Google AdWords in your marketing strategy. The new beta version provides great data insights and once it will come out in the final version, the advantage of using AdWords will be immense!