HomeUncategorizedA Young Girl From Valsad Is Taking Yoga To The Next Level

A Young Girl From Valsad Is Taking Yoga To The Next Level

A girl who is a double master degree holder, after completing her MBA in 2012, suddenly  disappeared from her college friend circle and in 2014 she came back again in the circle. But this time she was not just a normal girl who was doing job in some big company, she was a girl bending her body in all the direction exhibiting toughest yoga aasanas!

Vibha Bhagat, a girl from the south Gujarat’s developing city Valsad is a buzzing name in the city. She is the leading name in the city as a Yoga instructor. Here is a brief chit-chat with her on the occasion of 2nd World Yoga Day on 21 June 2016.
world yoga day 2016
soconse: How did you enter in this field after completing your MBA?
Vibha:  I am practicing yoga since my childhood & I  inspired  for protecting my health after looking few patients around me who were suffering from ill health. I saw their pain when they were hospitalized. I ran into tears when they left their family members all of the sudden. Looking ill people throughout my life, I started taking more precaution by my self for my better health. However, I am not suffering from any disease but i am motivated towards protecting my health. One of my uncles is yogachari and I have attended his seminar in childhood. Due to burden of studies, I could not focus on regular Yoga but whenever I found some time, I used to do it and now I am a professional Yoga instructor.
soconse: What is your view on Yoga?
Vibha: “Yoga is Science for body and Art for living”. Science for body because Yoga has scientifically proven its benefits of asana and pranayam & Meditation practice. Yoga is an art for living because it is not about quantity of life, it is about quality of life. Yoga improves stranded of living quality life. Daily practice of yoga has power to control our mind the way we  think and this process is controlled by yoga. Thoughts are of many types: positive, negative stressed, depression etc. but yoga practice has power to control over our thoughts and to make our mind pure & strong. Thus I believe, Yoga is accepted by mind, performed by body and felt by soul!
soconse:  Can anyone take field of Yoga as a career? What suggestion will you give to them?
Vibha: Definitely! (with a smile on face). One can take yoga as career as I believe this is next to the profession of doctor as a career. It is respectable and demanding field and is never ending as career. I feel satisfied when I share my knowledge to others.  If someone thinking to take Yoga as a career  then they are going on right path because we as yoga instructors are help more people to take precautions and making yoga as their habit to protect their self from illness and pain. It’s a leading and growing career as one  can take bachelor, master & Phd. degree in Yoga and work with hospitals or can take their personal classes . One can also work with school, colleges as yoga instructor or as yoga therapist.
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soconse: Any suggestion would you like to give to the youngsters for their health?
Vibha: Yoga is the best medicine for strong  health and strong mind without taking any medicines. Than why not to start from today? If you will take care of your body, your body will take care of your Life!
Connect Vibha here if you really want your self fit!

Bhautik Sheth
Bhautik Shethhttps://www.ivipanan.co.in
Mr. Bhautik Sheth is a Founder of iVIPANAN Digital Marketing and Management Services started in 2014. He has more than 12 years of experience. He holds MCA, MBA, PGDBM, PGDRM degrees and also recognized by Google Ads certification, Bing Ads Accredited Professional and Hubspot Inbound Certification. He is a visiting faculty at VNSGU and former visiting faculty at Auro University. He offers his services to Uka Tarsadia University. He is a speaker at Facebook Josh Talks StartAb and Global Digital Marketing Summit by Texila Conference. He is a chief organizer of Social Media Day Surat since 2016. He is a former online trainer of Google and Manipal Global Education program. He has been associated as a Trainer with International Organization for Importer and Exporter (IOIE) and Being Exporter in Surat. He has trained more than 50,000 people for Digital marketing through Seminars, Webinars, Workshops and Training Programs on digital marketing at national & international level. He has presented many Research Papers on Digital Marketing at national -international conferences out of which many have been chosen as best papers and his 7 research papers on digital marketing have already been published in countrywide and global journals. He has developed academic content using instructional designing for various management subjects for Manipal University’s online portal EduNxt. Blessed with a perfect blend of Management skills and creative thinking ability, Mr. Bhautik Sheth has been rendering his services as a Digital Marketing Consultant to SMEs as well as large scale businesses, Service industry and the Start ups. He has worked with 50+ companies as a consultant. He received an Award of “Distinguished Digital Leader” at Digital Marketing Leadership Summit 2018 organized by XIME, Chennai.


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