Did you ever think of starting your own podcast? If no, you are lagging behind. If yes, this piece of content is just for you! Digital marketing is literally changing now. The way people used to put their content on the internet is not the same. A decade ago, people were crazily putting their thoughts in an email and were anticipating others to read and revert.
Email has a very important role to play in communication but time has changed. Social media, websites, and blogs are already in. Many marketers are using Vlog very effectively. Regular blog posts are still getting a lot many conversions. You cannot stop there only. You have to explore other available platforms too. The podcast is such a platform that gives a great exposure to the marketer.
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Podcast is seeing the early days in India. Not so early but still, looking at the population of India, this platform is just in the naïve stage.

Most of the marketers and entrepreneurs love to take advantage of early movers. But in the process of starting your own podcast channel, there are few things that must need to be considered. Here are 5 tips you must consider if you are thinking to start your own podcast.
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- Start your podcast channel only if you are going to continue for a long. Podcasting is meaningless if you are not doing it regularly. Regularly means at least releasing one episode in 1 or 2 days.
- Before you start, you must have podcast topics for the next 30 days. It is necessary to have a list of topics available. It will help you to create your content easily without wasting much time. If you are not ready with a list of topics then you may start delaying your episode releasing and like that people may start losing the engagement.
- Starting the podcast is not a cool thing. This is part of content marketing. Don’t start a podcast if you are looking for a fam. If you are only going to start it to become famous, your podcast lifeline will be very little for sure.
- If you have not created good and engaging content on social media, blog and youtube videos yet, I will advise you to do that first. Ask one question to yourself, why would people listen to your podcast if you have not shared any great content yet on any other digital platforms? Why would they subscribe to your channel? If you already have a good number of followers on other platforms, they may also join your podcast instantly. So I suggest you to first focus on writing regular blog posts, engaging people on Instagram and Facebook, if possible create great YouTube videos and then start your podcast.
- The final tip is getting your own unique content and style of podcasting. Don’t try to imitate your fellow counterpart in the industry. Invest in recording instruments like buying good recording mic and using some good audio editing software. You cannot compromise with the quality of your podcast by just recording your voice on the mobile phone and then uploading it. It can work but then, it may not look professional.
So if you feel all the above tips you can fulfill in the coming days, then go for your first podcast recording. Also, if you want to subscribe to the best digital marketing podcast channel of India, you can always find my podcasts on any leading podcast station.